
Common Science Standards Make Formal Debut

The final set of standards aimed at reshaping the focus and delivery of science instruction in U.S. schools has been publicly unveiled, setting the stage for states—many of which helped craft the standards—to take the next step and consider adopting them as their own. More than three years in the making, the Next Generation Science Standards are designed to provide a greater emphasis on depth over breadth in studying the subject.

Paths to success: An evaluation of the Gateway to Higher Education program

This study examines the impact of Gateway to Higher Education, an intensive program which entails an extended year and day, information and support for college, enrichment experiences in sciences and math, and internships. Longitudinal data was examined for Gateway participants and a comparison group of students and site visits, focus groups and interviews were conducted. Findings showed significant differences in high school graduation and college attendance rates, completion of high school coursework and strong Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) performance.

On the Road to Implementation: Achieving the Promise of the Common Core State Standards

This brief from Achieve identifies the key areas that state policymakers should consider in order to implement the new Common Core State Standards with fidelity. The brief provides suggestions for aligning these new standards with their existing standards and course requirements, as well as aligning assessments for collecting data and measuring achievement. The brief lists steps each state can take to ensure they are implementing the standards effectively.

The Connection Strategy: Preparing Young People to Succeed in College and Beyond

This report describes how some of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s education grantees in Atlanta are working to increase the instances of students in the community moving on from secondary to postsecondary life. The author highlights the strategy known as "P-16" which aims to link education strategies from preschool through college graduation. Lessons learned provide insight for other communities undertaking this approach. This report would be most useful for state and community leaders working to graduate students prepared for postsecondary success.

Creating College Readiness: Profiles of 38 Schools That Know How

This report provides a profile of 38 schools and details how these schools have implemented strategies to promote and advance college readiness. The report outlines each school, characteristics that make the school unique, and lessons learned from undertaking particular strategies. The report is organized into six sections: 1) alternative schools, 2) charter schools, 3) comprehensive schools, 4) early college high schools, 5) magnet schools, and 6) private schools. In several cases, schools may have utilized more than one strategy to achieve their goal.

Stepping It Up: Building Pathways to College Success in Pennsylvania and Nationwide

This paper presents findings from the Pennsylvania Governor's Conference on Higher Education in March 2009 surrounding ways to improve college success. The paper presents four steps to achieving this derived from analysis of the presentations. The steps include: 1) identifying the challenges to increased college success; 2) creating and action plan for success; 3) putting the plan into action; and, 4) working together to increase college success.

Grad Nation: A Guidebook to Help Communities Tackle The Dropout Crisis

This guidebook is a step-by-step guide for schools, families and the community on how to be involved in addressing the dropout crisis. The authors provide research-based information and tools with each section to be used in implementing programs specific to the community. Each section provides background information on topics relevant to the community as a whole such as the cost of high dropout rates, along with questions techniques, strategies, and additional resources to address the community needs.

Mathematics and Science Achievement and Course-Taking for College-Bound High School Students

This article from ACT examines how successful schools were at helping students achieve the standards set by the Goals 2000 project for mathematics and science education. By encouraging students to take a core curriculum in high school, high school faculty, staff, and administrators would be increasing their students’ achievement in mathematics and science. The authors conclude that attention needs to be paid both to identifying non-core takers and to motivating them to lay a foundation for future successes by taking a core curriculum.


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