STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

This report from Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce details the importance of preparing students for future careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The report describes the economic benefits of training for a STEM career as well as current barriers that divert students from the fields. Though the majority of the report focuses on post-secondary outcomes, it also makes the case that STEM careers are the most economically beneficial for those with only a high school diploma. Furthermore, the report details important practices for successful high school Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, including a focus on broad career clusters to maximize further educational choice and employability; “learn and earn” components that allows student to work and study simultaneously; alignment with postsecondary STEM curricula; and a mix of technical knowledge and more general skills and abilities.
External Publication
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce
Publication Year