Course Requirements

New REL Midwest Report Highlights Online Course Use in Iowa and Wisconsin

The use of online courses has grown rapidly over the past decade and is projected to increase, yet few states or districts collect data about how and why schools enroll students in online courses. Accurately capturing student participation is complicated by the variety of ways that schools use online learning. As online learning grows exponentially, we need more information about how schools are using it to inform policy and best practice.

Building Pathways to Success for Low-Skill Adult Students: Lessons for Community College Policy and Practice from a Longitudinal Student Tracking Study

This report discusses the outcomes of a longitudinal study, conducted to investigate the profile of low-skill adults entering community or technical colleges in Washington State and to identify the points at which this demographic commonly drops out or fails to achieve. The study findings indicate that technical and community colleges should establish goals for low-skill adults to earn a credential and take a year’s worth of college-level courses to improve opportunities for achievement via college entry or career-path employment.

Joining Forces for Student Success: The Emergence of State and Local Policies to Support the Recognition of Academic Credit for CTE Coursework

This policy brief advocates for a state education policy that would award academic credit for career and technical education (CTE) coursework. The authors argue that such a model would improve student engagement, deeper learning, and graduation rates. The brief provides an overview of CTE policy and academic coursework integration, posits a model for best practice, reviews exemplary states in the field, and outlines key factors in effective policy implementation.

Recognizing Academic Achievement in Career/Technical Education: Conditions for Awarding Academic Credit for Career/Technical Courses

This policy brief advocates for the approval of academic credit based on the completion of career and technical education (CTE) courses. The brief argues that students who receive CTE instruction are more engaged and experience deeper learning of content in ideal conditions. The authors also propose a method for evaluating CTE courses for academic content in order to determine if they would meet the requirements for awarding academic credit.

Helping Students Get a Head Start on the "Real World": State Strategies for Early High School Graduation

This brief challenges the need for a fourth year of high school, addressing the controversy around “senior year” and its tendency to draw out the high school experience. In proposing the topic of early graduation, the document outlines a number of policy approaches and their successful implementation in various states. Among these programs are scholarship incentives, dual enrollment, virtual classes, and proficiency-based credits.

The Advanced Placement Program: Living Up To Its Promise?

This report reviews literature on Advanced Placement (AP) to answer several questions about student outcomes related to taking AP classes. It finds that research is inconclusive about the effect of AP course offerings on students and schools. Research has found that students who take AP courses and pass AP exams are more successful in college than those who did not take AP courses, but this report cautions that the research is correlational, not causal.

Course-Taking Patterns and Preparation for Postsecondary Education in California’s Public University Systems Among Minority Youth

This report reviewed whether high school students are meeting the high school course requirements needed for admission to four-year public universities in California. Patterns of high school course-taking associated with preparation for college and entry into California community colleges and four-year California State University and University of California institutions are documented. It was determined that students who complete college preparatory courses starting in 9th grade are more likely to complete the CSU and UC course requirements. 


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