Career and Technical Education

21st Century Educators: Developing and Supporting Great Career and Technical Education Teachers

This brief focuses on the role that career and technical education (CTE) teachers can play in ensuring college and career readiness (CCR) for all students. The authors introduce who CTE teachers are and how current policies support and integrate them into schools. The authors argue that these teachers are critical to meeting the needs of students who may wish to enter a career without obtaining a 4-year college degree or for those who wish to gain experience in a field before obtaining a higher degree.

A Skills Beyond Schools Review of the United States

This report provides an overview of the state of postsecondary career and technical education (CTE) in the United States, including strengths and challenges of the CTE system. It also includes examples of various aspects of CTE systems in other countries and state case studies and recommendations for improving student outcomes of the postsecondary CTE system with a focus on three issues: quality and funding, credentials, and transitions.

The State of Career Technical Education: (Different) Standards for All

The National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc) recently undertook a large-scale research project to address the not-so-simple question of: how do states approach Career Technical Education (CTE) standards? With the increased attention given to CTE as a necessary strategy for engaging students, preparing our future workforce, and remaining competitive in a global economy, NASDCTEc believes it is important that stakeholders have a solid understanding of the system they are supporting.

Support for States Employability Standards in CTE and Adult Education

Employability skills, such as critical thinking, technology use, and communication, are critical for success in the labor market. Many of these skills have been integrated into the Common Core State Standards and the Common Career Technical Core. Realizing the importance of developing employability skills across all sectors and levels of employment, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) at the U.S.

Career and Technical Education Teachers: Strengthening Policies and Improving Instruction

High-quality career and technical education (CTE) programs are essential in improving college and career readiness for all students. High-quality CTE is not traditional vocational education or a tracking system. Instead, it provides all students, including those headed for four-year colleges, with rigorous academic instruction integrated with project-based learning and skill development. Policymakers across the country should invest in high-quality CTE to truly improve students’ college and career readiness.

Career Academies: An Investment in Students, the Workforce and the Economy

This fact sheet provides an overview of career academies as one approach to delivering CTE.  The brief offers a working definition of career academies, a history of their implementation, and research that supports the approach. In addition, the piece includes profiles of two states' (Florida and California) efforts and a description of one local career academy. 

CTE Research State Fact Sheets

This interactive map is a collection of state fact sheets summarizing CTE program delivery, funding, enrollment, performance as well as profiles of exemplary programs.  While the criteria for identifying these exemplary programs is unclear, these fact sheets may provide a starting place for state leaders to see how other states fund and deliver CTE programs.


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