Transition: High School to Career

Successful K-12 Transitions through Vertical and Horizontal Articulation

The California Comprehensive Center at WestEd conducted a research study aimed at identifying middle-to-high school transition practices  at California schools with graduation rates that were higher than predicted. They found that some schools used a “Regional Model” that leveraged collaboration and cross-school communication to ease transition and raise graduation rates.

New College- and Career-Readiness Data Shows Progress Across States

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) recently released updates to its State Education Reform website, including an overview of the 2011 state high school policies related to college- and career- readiness.  With the advent of the Common Core State Standards, it comes as no surprise that 47 states plus the District of Columbia have aligned high school standards with the expectations of college and the workplace, but man

The Impact of Truancy on Student Performance

In 2010, Nebraska passed a law requiring schools to refer students to juvenile court when they accrue over 20 absences.  However, according to the Omaha World Herald, new data suggests that the number of students who missed more than 20 days may have increased during the 2010-2011 school year.  In light of this preliminary data, Nebraska is considering possible improvements to the law.  A task force convened in early July 2011 suggested focusing on curbing truancy in elementary school before it becomes habitual.  The

New Study Shows Ninth Graders Think About Their Future Careers

A new study released by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) last week asked ninth graders about their anticipated profession at age 30, and how often they thought about pursuing their future career. Almost half (49%) of ninth graders both identified a future profession and reported they spent a lot of time thinking about it.  Only 29% did not identify a profession.  A higher percentage of black students reported thinking a lot about a future job than white students (61% compared to 48%).

What We Are Reading: Teacher Certifications, the Common Core, & Student Data

Looking for new high school-related resources?  Here are some pieces that other organizations have recently released:* Education and Certification Qualifications of Departmentalized Public High School-Level Teachers of Core Subjects (National Center for Education Statistics, May 2011)
