
Doing What Works: Another Example of a High School Using Data to Improve Instruction

The U.S. Department of Education’s Doing What Works Web site has a wealth of information on high schools that have put practices designated as “working” into place. This blog describes one of the schools featured on the site. MacArthur Ninth Grade School is located outside of Houston, TX in the Aldine Independent School District. The school enrolls a majority of Hispanic students (83%) and students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch (79%).

Hot Off the Press: What Works Clearinghouse Finds Adolescent Literacy Program “Potentially” Beneficial

The Institute of Education Sciences’ What Works Clearinghouse has just released a report reviewing evaluations of Reading Apprenticeship® and concluded that the program has potentially positive effects on adolescents’ reading comprehension.

New Model Core Teaching Standards Released for Public Comment

On July 17th, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) unveiled new model core teaching standards for public comment. The original teacher standards, created in 1992, focused on the assessment and support of beginning teachers and were incorporated into state regulation in at least 38 states, providing the basis for teacher education, initial certification, and tenure decisions.
